It is now online the full video of the session of the first day of the final conference (auditorium room).
Please find it here: may_24_video
It is now online the full video of the session of the first day of the final conference (auditorium room).
Please find it here: may_24_video
We kindly ask all the participants to the final conference of May, 24 – 25, to register on the following link:
See you in Pisa next week!
The scientific and the organizing committees are glad to present the program of the final conference of the Jean Monnet project that will take place next week at the Polo Le Benedettine (University of Pisa).
Some pictures from the seminar of last April on “Other Side of Social Responsibility”. Thanks to all the participants.
Some pictures of the seminar held in March, 22 in Pisa on “SOCIAL ENTERPRISES AND FOR-PROFIT BENEFIT CORPORATIONS. New Business Models for Socially Responsible Investing”.
Here are the presentations of the seminar “The Development of SRI Harmonization in The New Roadmap Towards a More Sustainable Finance in Europe”:
On Friday, May 4th, in Aula 1 of the Dipartimento di Economia e Management of the University of Pisa, at 10.15 there will be the last workshop before the final conference!
Here is the program.
Rassegna stampa in vista dell’evento di oggi:
Pisa News:
A new seminar of the two-year project cofunded by the European Union “Development and Harmonisation of Socially Responsible Investment”!
The event is scheduled for March, 22 at 2.30 in room B1 Polo Piagge, University of Pisa.
Here follows the program:
We are glad to announce that the interviews to the speakers of the seminar of December 1 are online.
The members of the project would like to thank again everyone who took part in the event.
Prof. Gabriella Iermano, member of the DHSRIEU project, is talking about CSR and Benefit Corporation at the University of Rennes this Thursday (February, 15).
We are glad to see that the debate on the themes and issues of our project is growing with the commitment of our staff.
La stampa locale dedica ampio spazio all’iniziativa di venerdì 1 dicembre.
Tutti i riferimenti sono sulla pagina Facebook:
After the summer break the program is opening its second year with a new seminar on sustainable investing with speakers from all over the continent:
Thomas Renström | Durham University Business School (UK)
Arianna Lovera | Programme and Research Officer, Forum per la Finanza Sostenibile
Simonetta Bono| Business Development Manager, Vigeo Eiris Rating
We are waiting for you at the Aula Magna – Polo Piagge in Pisa from 2 pm.
See the details in the program below: