This is the Final Workshop of the Jean Monnet project “Development and harmonization of socially responsible investment in the European Union” and it is meant to promote scholarly discussion about sustainable and responsible investments (SRI), focusing on both the economic and legal aspects of the theme.
conference Socially Responsible Investments – PROGRAMME
Scientific committee Luciano Fanti (University of Pisa), Elisa Giuliani (University of Pisa), Viola Heutger (University of Luzern), Gabriella Iermano (University of Pisa), Thomas Renström (Durham University Business School, UK), Luca Spataro (University of Pisa)
Oranizing committee Beatrice Gaiotto, Caterina Giannetti and Alice Martini (University of Pisa)
Participants are kindly asked to register to the link below:
Pictures of the conference