The Final Workshop of the Jean Monnet project will take place in Pisa on the 24th and 25th of May 2018.
It is meant to promote scholarly discussion about sustainable and responsible investments (SRI), with a special (but not exclusive) focus on: financial responsible investments, corporate social responsibility, green investments, consumer protection, ecological economics. Theoretical, empirical and experimental papers are all welcome.
The ultimate goal of this Workshop to give economists a chance to meet and discuss their work on SRI, and to stimulate interaction with peers and tenured scholars.
If you are interested in presenting, please send your paper to by 4 March 2018.
The workshop will be hosted by the University of Pisa, and features a friendly atmosphere, which allows for discussing high quality research in a convivial environment. Regular sessions will be introduced by two opening lectures held by our keynote speakers: Bert Scholtens (University of Groening) and Maitreesh Ghatak (London School of Economics).
Confirmed invited speakers are: Lammertjan Dam, Jana Friedrichsen, Andreas Hoepner, Rocco Ciciretti.
The organization will sponsor the social dinner and accommodation for the speakers, as well as travel costs (up to a certain amount). No fee is required, but all participants are warmly requested to attend all sessions.
March 4th: Deadline for submissions
March 31th: Notification of acceptance
For more information on the conference, please contact:
Scientific committee
Luciano Fanti (University of Pisa), Elisa Giuliani (University of Pisa), Caterina Giannetti (University of Pisa), Thomas Renström (Durham University Business School, UK), Luca Spataro (University of Pisa)
Oranizing committee
Caterina Giannetti (University of Pisa), Alice Martini (University of Pisa)