Quick reference on bibliography


Socially Responsible Investment


Klein C., Von Wallis M., 2015. Ethical requirement and financial interest: a literature review on socially responsible investment. Business Research, 8 (1):61-98.



Corporate Social Responsability


Cowton C.J., Sparkes R., 2004. The maturing of socially responsible investment: a review of the developing link with corporate social responsibility. Journal of Business Ethics, 52:45-57.



Frynas J.G., Yamahaki C., 2016. Corporate social responsibility: review and roadmap of theoretical prospectives. Business Ethics: a European Review 25 (3):258-285.



Empirical Researches


Socially Responsible Investment

Global researches:

Auer B.R., Shuhmacher F., 2016. Do socially (ir) responsible investments pay? New evidence from international ESG data. The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 59:51-62.



Schroder M., 2004. The performance of socially responsible investments: investment funds and indices. Financial markets and portfolio management, 18 (2):122-142.



Revelli C., Viviani J.L., 2015. Financial performance of socially responsible investing (SRI): what have we learned? A meta-analysis. Business Ethics: a European Review, 24 (2):158-185.

Lean H.H., Ang W.R., Smyth R., 2015. Performance and performance persistence of socially responsible investment funds in Europe and North America. North American Journal of Economics and Finance, 34: 254-266.
European researches:

Wei C.C., 2015. Does the SRI stock index return co-movements: evidence of the FTSE stock markets. Journal of Business, Economics and Finance, 4 (4):600-616.

Sievänen R., Rita H., Scholtens B., 2013. The Drivers of Responsible Investment: The Case of European Pension Funds. Journal of Business Ethics, 117:137-151.


Corporate Social Responsability

North American researches:

Ioannou I., Serafeim G., 2015. The impact of corporate social responsibility on investment recommendations: analysts’ perceptions and shifting institutional logics. Strategic Management Journal, 36:1053-1081.



Luo X., Wang H., Raithel S., Zheng Q., 2015. Research notes and commentaries. Corporate social performance, analyst stock recommendations, and firm future returns. Strategic Management Journal, 36:123-136.





Ballestero E., Garcia-bernabeu A., Pérez-gladish B. Socially responsible investment: a multi-criteria decision making approach, Springer, 2015.
Baker H.K., Nofsinger J.R., 2012 Socially responsible finance and investing: financial institutions, corporations, investors and activists.