Seminar on “Social Responsible Investments Challenges for Private Law”

Here follows the preliminary program of the seminar that is scheduled for the 7th of July at the University of Salzburg, School of Law, Room of the Dean (Churfürststrasse 1, Salzburg).

9:30 – 12:00 Socially Responsible Investments: Investor protection, Enforcement of Socially Responsible Investments, New Corporate Forms for Socially Responsible Investments (e.g. Benefit Corporation)


13:30 – 15:15 Reporting on Corporate Social Responsibility: Investor protection and false reporting on CSR, CSR and contract law, CSR and Consumer Protection


15:15 – 15:45 Discussion


16:45 – 17:45 Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting after the Barnier-Directive (2013/34/EU): Workshop for all participants of the Summer School, introduction by PD Dr. Sebastian Mock, LL.M. (University of Hamburg), Panel Discussion on the Implementation of the Directive and First Experiences.